Rabu, 03 Desember 2008


Yes, it is true. Russian women often hold each others' hands while walking and talking. And this fact has no bearing on their sexual orientation at all. And for me, as a Russian girl, it is normal to hold my friend Lera's hand sometimes. I never thought of this nice little habit too deep until I learned that in other countries it is uncommon. At least my American colleague tells me this is so.

My small research started in a café where I chose a place by the window to watch people passing by. Girls of different ages were walking along the street and some of them were holding hands. The first reason that Russian girls and women are so close to each other immediately became obvious to me. Though there were many men in that crowded street, it was quite hard to imagine any of them holding hands with a girl.

Some of them were dressed in expensive suits - they were talking on their mobile phones and hurrying somewhere. Others were drinking beer, wearing sport costumes and bald heads. While one hand was busy with beer, another was completely devoted to a cigarette... The third category of men (beautifully dressed and charming) were actually holding hands of... other men. As you can guess nothing is left to us except holding each others hands. In my opinion that explains the phenomenon. But, of course, there is always a historical basis in each theory.

Most Russian people got used to life in communities. It was connected with the regime and the climate. It is even more honest to say that the conditions we used to live in influenced our habit to hug and hold hands.

Another topic for discussion that occurred after this "holding hands" conversation was, of course, related to the relationships between men and women.

If we manage to find a man whose hand we can hold, do we then just hold his hand or do we walk arm-in-arm with that man or do we just hold his hand? And what do both of these variants mean? At first it can seem that walking arm-in-arm is more informal and feels and looks closer. But as a rule it just means that we don't take relationships too serious.

It is (how surprising) connected with sex. Everything starts with the psychological term "to anchor," which means that we associate some things and atmospheres with one gesture or one word. Or both. For example, when we make love we often hold each others hands. The same happens when we kiss and when we dance.

All these actions are intimate enough to make you think of them when someone holds your hand. Holding hands becomes an anchor that reminds you of everything just-listed.

This article was written to instruct men about all the possible sequences after they (for no particular reason) decide to hold our hands.

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